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Volume 1, Issue 7


Title of the Paper

Enhanced Hybrid Cipher based Cryptography Scheme for Internet of Things

Author's Name :

Silkey Arora1 , Vikas Sandhu2 , Viney Dhawan3

Surface roughness modeling of Ni -Co based alloy using RSM

Author's Name :

Himanshu 1 , Balinder Singh2

Investigation of Ni-Co Based Super During WEDM Process

Author's Name :

Himanshu 1 , Balinder Singh2

Power analysis of PV-Grid connected system with different irradiance level

Author's Name :

Meenakshi Goyal1 , Vijay Kumar Garg2

Experimental Analysis of Composite material Specimen

Author's Name :

Rahul Kumar1 , BikasPrasad2 , Anil Kumar3 , Abhishek Goel4

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